Can we talk about Jesus for a few minutes?

Jesus is the Son of God. He came to us in a miraculous way. He suffered a terrible, bloody death, because He loves us more than life. He walked on the same earth you and I live on now.

How amazing is that?

But something else happened. Something that no one expected or was prepared for. Jesus came back to life! He rose from the dead! WHAAT!?

I love Jesus. He is the coolest Guy.

Speaking of Jesus, do you know how many amazing testimonies exist out there? Over the next few weeks I would like to spotlight some of those testimonies!

If you are interested in sharing your testimony, send me a message on my contact page, or my Facebook page or Instagram (search for Redheaded Escapade)! I’d love to hear how God has worked in your lives and share your story with others!

ALSO! If you follow me on Insta or FB then you know that I said I would be holding a contest! I don’t totally have everything together and ready to go yet, but keep an eye out for a more detailed post about it.

But for now I will give you as much info as I can! I will be giving away two tickets to see CYT Fredericksburg’s performance of Godspell, along with some other goodies.

Like I said keep an eye out, that contest will begin soon! And send me your testimonies! You guys rock!


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